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  • jam19004

How to Heal from Trauma

Get the Free Trauma Journey Survival Guide Here

The process of recovering from traumatic experiences is deeply personal.

One of the key ways to heal from trauma involves engaging mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual or meaning centered approaches.

Mind-body-Soul approach


Ask questions: Curiously observe your own thoughts and feelings. Challenge your thoughts, and consider whether the thoughts you have are true, or are a result of your traumatic experience.

Negative thoughts and beliefs often form after traumatic experiences.

Reframe: Detach what happened to you from your self worth.

Logically allow yourself to understand that your worth is not defined by your negative experiences.

Mindset: This can be using positive affirmations or simply setting an intention for your day.

Get in the mindset of a healer.

Try these affirmations:

"I have come this far, I can do anything."

"I deserve love and abundance."

"I am a survivor."

"I am worth it."


Exercise: when you exercise it helps engage and support the nervous system as well as providing physical outlets for the anger and grief that trauma survivors often experience.

Exercise can also serve as an empowerment tool.

Trauma survivors often feel vulnerable, weak, and a sense of guilt and shame about being unable to protect themselves.

Physical activity can help build strength and release inner power.


Relax: The body engages the fight or flight response after traumatic experiences.

The body is wired for protection, making it difficult for trauma survivors to relax.

To help the body relax, try deep breathing, yoga, meditation, stretching the neck, back, or hips, use a weighted blanked, or use music to self-soothe.

Connect: this can be done by talking to safe relatives and loved ones on the phone, planning fun activities, and visiting safe family and friends.

Doing this builds our support network and keeps us from feeling alienated and isolated.

Find Meaning and Purpose: Unfortunately, after trauma we often lose our sense of self.

We can gain this back by gaining insight into who we are and allowing ourselves to heal.

Additionally, we can connect with the things that give us meaning and guide us in life.

If you are looking to heal, get the Free Trauma Journey Survival Guide Here

We need to engage each area of wellness to fully overcome trauma. These approaches are things you can try yourself. However, do not forget that seeking the help of a mental health professional in addition to self help is so important.


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